I have recently discovered audio books, and I love them! When we lived in Washington, the libraries used one common online library. It had a decent selection. In Texas, that is not how the online system works. Each library has their own and they can be really lacking.
I learned, when I started reading the Poldark Saga, that as a Texas resident I have access to the Harris County online library. I got a card for the library and have been A.M.A.Z.E.D. at the selection of books this library has.

I found “Astrophysics For People in a Hurry” by Neil deGrasse Tyson when I ended up having to drive to Austin at midnight, and wanted something interesting yet fun to listen to so I could stay awake. It didn’t hurt that the author read it.
Having an engineering background I know a little bit about physics, and having always wanted to be an astronaut, I knew this book would be interesting. Tyson, does a great job explaining and walking you through the theories on how the universe works.
It is a quick read/listen at only about 4 hours long, it was perfect for my drive to and from the Austin airport. If you are at all curious about the universe check it out, you will not be disappointed.