Book Review: Hidden Figures

I have been listening to “Hidden Figures”, by Margot Lee Shetterly. I have not seen the movie yet, but on my recent trip to Washington State for a friends wedding, the person sitting in front of me on the plane watched it. So I saw a few bits of it, and decided it was going to be my next book.


I like alternating fiction with nonfiction, and since I have a LOOOONG wait for the next Poldark book it’s perfect. I am listening to it, and so whenever I am in the car it is playing.

I actually started “the book” in early September, when I was looking for something to listen to on my drive to my grandparents. My only option was the “Young Readers Edition”. I tried to figure out if that meant it was an abridged version, I am still learning the Libby app. I finished “the Book”, and thought it was great!

I was looking for another book for my drive home from my grandparents and I found Hidden Figures but this time it said it was 11 hours long… I listened to BOTH versions!

The young reader edition doesn’t leave out anything, it does not go into as much details, especially about historical events that coincide with the women working at Langley. Either book is good, and talks about the huge barriers these women over came.

I especially liked the epilogue in the unabridged version. Shetterly talks about why we have not heard these stories. We have to remember that with women rights movements, civil right movements, and all the different movements that have happened and are happening, are changing the world we live in.

Just will the #metoo and #whyididntreport movements, times have changed. Internet has allowed more access to things, and these remarkable women paved the way for generations of girls to live their dreams.


Book Review: Astrophysics For People in a Hurry

I have recently discovered audio books, and I love them! When we lived in Washington, the libraries used one common online library. It had a decent selection. In Texas, that is not how the online system works. Each library has their own and they can be really lacking.

I learned, when I started reading the Poldark Saga, that as a Texas resident I have access to the Harris County online library. I got a card for the library and have been A.M.A.Z.E.D. at the selection of books this library has.

Source: Screenshot from Libby App

I found “Astrophysics For People in a Hurry” by Neil deGrasse Tyson when I ended up having to drive to Austin at midnight, and wanted something interesting yet fun to listen to so I could stay awake. It didn’t hurt that the author read it.

Having an engineering background I know a little bit about physics, and having always wanted to be an astronaut, I knew this book would be interesting. Tyson, does a great job explaining and walking you through the theories on how the universe works.

It is a quick read/listen at only about 4 hours long, it was perfect for my drive to and from the Austin airport. If you are at all curious about the universe check it out, you will not be disappointed.

What Am I Reading: The Poldark Saga

A couple of years ago, I saw an ad on our Amazon Fire TV for a new show called Poldark. It is a historical fiction in post American revolution England. I really enjoyed it and looked anxiously forward to the next season. About the time Baby Hercules was born season three was out and if you have not seen it, I will just say the ending left me wanting to know what happened.

I didn’t not want to wait, so I did some research and learned that it is based off a 12 book series by, Winston Graham. I was able to get the first book from my local library’s overdrive ebook system.

Having already seen the first three seasons the first 6 books were slow reading as I knew what was going to happen. As with all screen adaptations there were little details missing. Which as added to the story.

Demelza is by far my favorite character. The development of her transformation from miner’s daughter to a squire’s wife is fascinating. The internal battles she has with some of the choices she makes or how she is going to react to a choice Ross has made are relatable, even though the novels take place centuries ago.

One thing about the saga that I don’t enjoy is how about book five the tone changes. The main reason is probably because there is a 20 year gap between when Winston Graham wrote and published the books. New characters are brought in and the focus changes from Ross and Francis Poldark and their quarreling with George Warleggan to the siblings of Demelza and the now feud between everyone not a Warleggan.

I am about half was through book seven and I have about a 8 week weight for book eight. (At one point is was 18 weeks!) I hope that my wait is not that long and I am desperately wanting to know why George hates Ross Poldark so much that he must destroy everything.