Week 1: BCS Half Marathon

I can’t believe week one of training is over and I barely did anything!

Now, I do have an excuse, and I probably could have done more. Sept 14, I had two surgical procedures done and was put on a two week pelvic rest. When you’re pregnant pelvic rest basically means bed rest and no sex. When you aren’t and you homeschool two kids, it just mean no sex and heavy lifting.

It took a solid 7 days post operation before I felt like I could do more than just parent. So I’m trying to get my house into some kind of order (order never existed because I don’t know how to be a house keeper) and figure out life with the diagnosis from the procedure and homeschool two boys and not just crawl under a rock and cry.

What did week one of half marathon training look like?

One extremely slow 3/4 of a mile walk on my treadmill and a night walk with a friend for 2.6 miles.

Wahoo! 3.5 miles!?!

The training plan from the people behind the BCS Marathon has week one and week two the same, so I’m going to push a little to get the actual mileage in for week two.

On top of that! I’m starting 75 hard!

Wait!?! Hold up didnt you just say you had MAJOR SURGERY!?!

Yup! Did you know that the rules of 75hard don’t dictate your exercise or diet? That the only hard fast rules are the gallon of water and that you have to complete two workouts at least 45 mins in length. (Yes, there are more rules. Yes, they’re non negotiable, hold on.) So I would LITERALLY do 45 mins of yoga and a 45 min walk everyday for 75 days and still be within the rules. As for “diet” the rules are pick something don’t change it and drink 1 gallon of plain H2O. So I could also eat all my meals from McDonald’s and drink 128 oz of water and still be following the rules.

What makes 75hard hard?

The other rules!?! 10 pages of reading nonfiction/self improvement/entrepreneurial books doesn’t seem hard, until you realize how much time two 45 min workouts and peeing from drink a gallon of water take. The other rule that trips me up the most is the daily progress picture, I got to day 63 before I realized morning of day 64, I forgot the daily picture, complete and utter disappointment!

Tuesday, Sept 27 would mark 75 days before the half, so I figured this would be a great way to get some extra motivation to actually train for it.

Wish me luck and come cheer me on as I document my workouts and life on 75hard on instagram!

Author: Ashley Teare

I am Ashley, a stay at home mom to a wonderful boy. I am working on improving, by nourishing not only my body, but my mind and soul. I also want to nourish the whole you too.

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