Two full days left! 6 meals! I am looking forward to kicking the no SWYPO rule out the window.
No, I won’t go “carb” crazy, but being able to have the option to have a “real” sandwich is freeing.
Started my SIBO antibiotics today. Hopefully, this is the cure! Or at least helps, significantly.
Food Log:
Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs, cucumbers, and blueberries

Lunch: leftover meatloaf, carrots, and cucumbers
Dinner: a giant taco salad, lettuce, taco meat, guacamole, “sour cream” olives, and cucumbers

ALSO! Today, I went on my first run (ok, walk/run) in over 2 months! At my last race, I sustain a bad muscle strain and have been in physical therapy since. It wasn’t pain free, but using the tools I learned in PT, I was able to stretch and relief my discomfort.