The good:
I get to step on that scale!!
Start: 208
Day 31: 199.2 WHAT! WHAT!!
Meh, I have a toddler who joins us almost nightly
Ebbs and flows, but it mostly up
I do not believe Whole30 helped it, especially since I had more occurrences of flares toward the end.
Reintroduction plan (5 days between new foods):
Day 2 through 6: Whole30
Day 7: Peanut butter and beans
Day 8 through 12: Whole30
Day 13: Rice and corn
Day 14 through 18: Whole30
Day 19: Gluten
So far dairy has been fine. I had straight cheese, pizza (paleo with cheese) and frozen yogurt!
I did also have some popcorn at the movie in the park, and some potato chips at the park with some friends tonight.
Over all I am feeling good. A little sluggish, but over all fine.
So now that Whole30 is “done”, I am going to start the 21 Day Fix Extreme, while finishing up the reintroduction phase.
Also, I think I want to do a local half-marathon in October. So, need to start training for that if I really do want to do that.