Zucchini Bread

I can’t believe is has been a month! Life has been fairly crazy, but mostly my own doing taking on too much at one time. I am take 3 online classes working towards getting my lactation consultant things done. We still don’t quite understand how everything works here (Thank you GPS cause I would get lost 90% of the time I leave the house). We are on a crazy strict budget recovering from August. On top of all that, I decided to do a round of Whole30 in October.

As I was staring into the fridge for something for lunch on Day 18, it hit me. Why am I doing Whole30? Because I have been feeling crummy and was starting to have frequent flares because I wasn’t eating how I KNOW i should be.

So what if I stopped doing this round and just ate like I KNOW I am suppose to.

The stress level of my life dropped off the edge of a cliff. Why be so mean to myself by creating extra unneeded stress? Isn’t eating what is best for your own body what Whole30 is all about? It is!


Alright, I am sure what you really want is a yummy fall treat recipe. This recipe is one that I treasure. I might say that about a lot of my recipes, but food really is love, and sharing a recipe with someone is like the ultimate sign of love.

Back when I was newly married and actively participating and attending religion classes at my campus LDS institute building, we had these couples who would come in and provide daily snacks and a yummy lunch on Fridays. One of the couples was local and she would always bring in the most AMAZING zucchini bread I have ever had. It was my favorite when I saw that she brought her sweet breads to share.


For months, I would tell Mr. Wonderful about the bread and how I really wanted the recipe. But I was worried this Sister (in LDS culture, women are referred to at Sisters and men, Brother, it’s polite), might not be willing to share. Mr. Wonderful had grown up with her kids and told be that she was the last person who would not share a recipe, especially if she knew how much I liked her bread.

So, I finally got the courage to tell her that I like the bread and if possible could I get the recipe. The next day she had left me a handwritten card with the recipe. Her and her husband became friends of ours and when it was time for us to move, I was really sad to be leaving their strong example behind. They taught us much more than how to make really great zucchini bread.


This new version of the zucchini bread is now gluten free! And if you use good safe ingredients this is also corn, soy, dairy, and nut free.


Zucchini Bread
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Gluten, dairy, soy, and corn free zucchini bread perfect for a fall treat.
Ashley Teare:
Recipe type: Quick Bread
Serves: 18
  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 2¾ c (300 g) grated Zucchini (For best results: Freeze grated zucchini, thaw over night, and squeeze as much juice as you can, you can also just use fresh zucchini, but be sure to get out as much juice as possible)
  • 1 T vanilla extract
  • 1 c oil (I like canola oil)
  • 2 c (226 g) sugar
  • 1 T Cinnamon
  • ½ tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Baking Soda
  • 2 tsp Baking Powder
  • ¾ c ( 145 g) Potato Starch
  • ¾ c (98 g) Tapioca Flour
  • ¾ c (125 g) White Rice Flour
  • 1 T Xanthum Gum
  1. Mix in a large bowl the eggs, grated Zucchini, vanilla extract, oil, and sugar. Set aside.
  2. In a separate bowl combine the dry ingredients.
  3. Add the flour mixture into the zucchini until well combined.
  4. Pour equally, into two one-pound loaf pans. Bake at 350F for 30-35 minutes until the tops spring when you touch them. You can also make muffins and they bake for about 15-20 minutes.

Author: Ashley Teare

I am Ashley, a stay at home mom to a wonderful boy. I am working on improving, by nourishing not only my body, but my mind and soul. I also want to nourish the whole you too.

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